The first bikers on Mt. Chopok and the first boats on Štrbsképleso

The first bikers on Mt. Chopok and the first boats on Štrbsképleso
The first bikers on Mt. Chopok and the first boats on Štrbsképleso
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Thesummer in theTatrasbegins in about a monthbutvisitors in theHigh and LowTatrascanalreadyenjoypilesoffunwithadrenalineattractionswhenmakingcablewaytrips. The most modern Tatra bike park in Jasná willwelcomethefirstdownhillfans on the most difficultblacktrackthisSaturday and offerexcitingridesunderthe 6-seater chairlift Záhradky – Rovná hoľa. The most populartrackisdesignatedforexperiencedriderswith a higherlevelofskills. Bikerswithbikescanusethe B1 chairliftfrom 8:30 to 17:00 and ride on thelastremnantsofsnow. For more information, pleaseclickHERE. Afterthefirstdownhillevent, thebike park willbeopeneddailyafter 24th June. Duringthewholeweekend, therewillbealsomountaincartsavailableforfamilieswithchildrenbetween Koliesko and Biela Púť. Withthesummercomingcloser, visitors on Mt. Chopok canlookforward to more attractionssuchasmountaincartsfromthealtitudeof 2,004 metres, boating in theareaof Biela Púť, a bungeetrampoline in Priehyba and a family game in naturewithDemiántheDragon – Dragon Park Chopok. In addition, a new MAXILAND summer parkwillbeopenedthissummer in Jasná underthe Happy End club.Tubing – ridingwithrubbersdown a specialtrackguaranteesunforgettablemoments and funforallfamilymembers. The park willbeofferinge.g. achildren´sbikezone, a trampoline, mini golf and slackline – walking on a rope.

Theboatingseasonbegins in theHighTatras on thesurfaceof Štrbské pleso (tarn) thisSaturday 21st Maywith 20 boats. Thosewhowouldlike to experiencesomethingreallyspecialcanusetheservicesof a personalrower. Read more HERE. Thetraditional “unlocking” ofthesurfaceof Štrbské pleso isscheduledforFriday 10th June 10:00am attheboat port.

Familieswithchildrenwhotakethecablecarfrom Tatranská Lomnica to Skalnaté Pleso atweekends and visitthechildren´sindoor park oftheChamoisLandcantrycomfortablemountaincarts on thewaydown – fromthemid-station Štart. FourpopularanimalfriendswillbeaccompanyingchildrenaroundtheTatra Wildernessthisyearagain. Theupgradedworkbookofthe Tatra Wildernesswillbefullofexcitingadventures. A spacioustrampolinewillbepreparedatthefunicular in Starý Smokovec forsmallkidswhocanfrolicthere to thefullest. Hrebienok willbeofferinguniqueridesforchildren in rubbers on a specialtoboggan – tubing. More attractionswillbeadded in June, suchasarchery, bike and scooterrentaletc. For more informationaboutattractions in theTatras, and


Tatry mountainresorts, a.s. (TMR) istheleader in tourism in Central and EasternEurope; itowns and operatesattractivemountainresorts

and hotels. In theLowTatras TMR owns and operatestheresort Jasná Nízke Tatry and hotelsWellness hotel Grand Jasná, Boutique Hotel

Tri Studničky, Chalets Jasná De Luxe, Hotel Srdiečko, and Hotel Rotunda. TMR isalsotheownerofAquaparkTatralandia, thelargest

Slovak aquaparkwithyear-roundoperation, whichbesideswaterentertainmentincludesTropicalParadise, a specialtropicalindoorhallwith

seawater, aswellasFun Park, and accommodation in bungalows and apartmentsofHolidayVillageTatralandia. In theHighTatras TMR

owns and operatestheresort Vysoké Tatry withmountainareasof Tatranská Lomnica, Starý Smokovec, and Štrbské Pleso, which TMR co-manages. In theHighTatras TMR alsoownshotelsGrandhotel Praha Tatranská Lomnica, Grandhotel Starý Smokovec, and Hotel FIS

Štrbské Pleso. TMR alsoowns a 19% share in Melida, a.s., whichleases and operatestheresortŠpindlerůvMlýn in theCzechRepublic. In

Poland TMR owns a 97% share in themountainresortSzczyrkowskiOśrodekNarciarski S.A. (SON) and a 75% share in a companythat

owns and operatesSilesianAmusement Park (ŚląskieWesołeMiasteczko). TMR alsoowns and leaseshotels Slovakia, Kosodrevina, Liptov

and Ski&Fun Záhradky a Bungalovy to thirdparties. By the end of 2015 EUR 206 mil. had beeninvestedintodevelopment and

modernisationofTMR’sresorts. TMR shares are traded on threeEuropeanstockexchanges – in Bratislava, Prague, and Warsaw.