Investment guide
Investment guide
TMR vyhlad na tatry

Shareholders who hold minimum 500 shares as of the decisive date of 31/10/2023 can register in order to use their benefits from 1/11/2023

In case you don’t have a lot of experiences with equity investments, the following information shall serve you as a simple equity investment guide. In any case you should consult every investment decision with your financial advisor.

Where can I buy the shares?

You can purchase shares in a bank or at a stockbroker that will execute the purchase for you on the Bratislava Stock Exchange (BSSE),  the Prague Stock Exchange (PSE), or the Warsaw Stock Exchange (WSE).

Here is the list of members of the exchanges:
Bratislava Stock Exchange – List of BSSE Members – Burza cenných papierov
Prague Stock Exchange   –Exchange Members | Prague Stock Exchange (
Warsaw Stock Exchange  – GPW Main Market – List of Exchange Members


What steps do I need to take?

You can contact banks and stockbrokers in any way – online, via hotlines, or directly at their branch.
a)    With investments on the Bratislava Stock Exchange or Prague Stock Exchange you will need a securities account.


Do you have a securities account opened?

If your securities account is with your bank or stockbroker, you can buy stock directly on this account in your bank or at your stockbroker’s. If your securities account is with the Central Securities Depositary, any exchange member bank or stockbroker can buys shares for you on this account.


How can I find out if I have an account opened with the Central Securities Depositary (CSD)?

You can confirm this by entering your personal identification number on the CSD website.

To open a securities account:

  • You will open a securities account at the CSD, which will hold your purchased equity shares, or your stockbroker or bank will open the account for you.
  • You can purchase stock directly on this account in your bank that services your account.

b)    With investments on the Warsaw Stock Exchange you just need to open a brokerage account with your stockbroker or bank or directly with TMR’s market maker – BOŚ at  For the complete list of members of the Warsaw Stock Exchange click here: GPW Main Market – List of Exchange Members

Stock purchase:

  • You will sign a brokerage contract, based on which you will be able to purchase shares (buy order).
  • You will instruct your bank with a buy order on TMR shares on the relevant exchange. 
  • Also you will specify the amount or number of shares that you want to buy. 
  • You will specify the maximum price that you will be willing to pay.


What comes next?

  • The bank will execute your order on the stock market, i.e. it will buy from counterparties – investors that are willing to sell.
  • After the stock purchase the bank will send you the trade details – number of shares purchased, price, and related fees.


What should I do to trade online?

In order to trade online here are several links of Czech and Slovak stockbrokers that provide this option on the Bratislava Stock Exchange (BSSE), the Prague Stock Exchange (PSE), and the Warsaw Stock Exchange (WSE):  – BSSE  – BSSE, PSE, WSE  – PSE
In Poland online trading is provided by most brokerage houses and banks: GPW Main Market – List of Exchange Members


What if there are not enough investors willing to sell?

On the market there is a market maker, i.e. a trader that buys and sells every day, based on an agreement with the exchange, which binds them to execute buy and sell orders of TMR shares via the exchange trading platform – every day you can buy from or sell the shares to the market maker. On the Bratislava and Prague exchanges J&T Banka, a.s. is TMR’s market maker, and on the Warsaw Stock Exchange it is BOŚ DM.


What should I do to sell the shares?

The procedure is similar to purchase. Since the brokerage contract is signed already, you just need to instruct your bank, which keeps your securities account, to sell by specifying the number of shares and the price limit.


What additional return can I get after purchasing TMR stock?

The same as any other stock joint company, TMR can pay out dividends. The General Meeting decides on the dividend pay-out based on the proposal by the Board of Directors. Every shareholder can attend the General Meeting.

In addition, there are benefits that TMR offers to members of the Shareholders‘ club: Shareholder club. Any shareholder who owns at least 500 shares of TMR is automatically eligible to become a member of the Shareholders‘ club.

Membership and benefits of the Shareholders‘ Club

Updated information about shares value and about company via web page


What is a „depositary participant“?

A bank or a stockbroker that is authorized to administer securities accounts.


What is a „securities account“?

An account that holds securities of a client. It can be in custody of a local central securities depository (Central Securities Depositary SR, Central Securities Depositary CR, and Krajowy Depozyt Papierów Wartościowych- KDPW) or a depositary participant.


What is the difference in investment into securitites based on a brokerage contract and investment into mutual funds?

The biggest difference is the fact that the trades based on the commission contract are carried out based on the instruction from the client – this means the client decides alone what kind of securities he/she holds in the portfolio. In a mutual fund a portfolio manager selects the securities, this means the client cannot influence this decision.

Up-to-date information on TMR shares can be found here: About TMR shares


Who should I contact?


The following banks and stockbrokers that are members of the BSSE (most Slovak banks are). Here is the complete list.

Here is the complete list of members of the PSE: Exchange Members | Prague Stock Exchange (

Here is the complete list of members of the WSE: GPW Main Market – List of Exchange Members

Last Updated on 24.08.2023